Latitude supports EUROCONTROL with successful ICAO recognition

ICAO English test recognition

We were delighted to be selected by EUROCONTROL to coordinate and prepare the submission to ICAO for recognition of ELPAC for pilots. Led by Latitude’s Henry Emery and Andrea Howard, work began in January and involved review, collation and preparation of test documentation, development and administration procedures and evidence for test validity and reliability. The submission has now been reviewed under ICAO's Aviation English Language Testing System and has resulted in successful recognition of ELPAC for Pilots for a period of three years.

ELPAC for pilots is currently the only language test in the world to be recognised by ICAO for its quality. The successful recognition of ELPAC for pilots is a clear demonstration of EUROCONTROL's commitment to the highest standards in aviation language testing. Our congratulations go to the ELPAC and its partners, the Zürich University of Applies Sciences and Enovate of Norway.