The tools your organisation needs to deliver in-house aviation English training for student pilots.

Latitude’s in-house solution is a complete blended learning package that enables your organisation to deliver high quality in-house aviation English courses to prepare your students for successful flight training. The package comprises two integrated components: e-learning and the Teacher’s Pack. 


Over 500 interactive language activities across 15 modules covering a range of subjects linked to flight training. Students study in their own time, at their own pace, developing receptive skills and language knowledge in preparation for the classroom. This groundwork allows teachers to focus their valuable classroom time on the activation of oral language proficiency. 

Teacher’s Pack

Fully integrated with the Foundation e-learning syllabus, the Teacher’s Pack provides 30 units of engaging, learner-centred teaching content optimised for delivery online or in the traditional classroom.

The Teacher’s Pack contains 142 activities designed to:

  • Practise and consolidate the language presented in e-learning

  • Develop oral language proficiency in pair and group work tasks.


Teacher’s Pack

The Teacher’s Pack enables language teachers, whether experienced aviation English professionals or new to the world of aviation, to deliver relevant training that targets the language that students need for successful flight training.

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